Saturday, April 23, 2011

HW 47 - Peer Perspectives on the Care of the Dead

For this project I interviewed C A and M. All girls my age. Two of which are my cousins. I chose to keep them all anonymous.


1) What issues have you thought about involving the care of the dead?
I don't really know much about it. I know that there are a lot if fossil fuels waisted. I know that if you bury someone you have to buy a casket and dig a hole in the ground and it costs a lot of money.

2) Would you rather be cremated or buried?
I would rather my body be donated to science for research but I don't really care
3) Would you like to be an organ donor?
Yea, I guess.

4) Does your religion effect your beliefs on how you should be treated after death?
I don't think my religion dictates my beliefs on the matter. I don't think it would want me to worship the bodies in a wired way.

5) Have you ever been to a funeral?
Yes I have been to many. The most resent was my grandmas funeral.

6) What was the over all mood of the funeral?
it was sad when people were mourning. Every one was crying and I was the only one not crying. I felt pressure to look happy because i think people like seeing happy young people.


1) What issues have you thought about involving the care of the dead? 
I don't know. I think it is weird for people to spend so much money on coffins and stuff. It is a waste of money.

2) Would you rather be cremated or buried?
Cremated. I don't want to be under the ground.

3) Would you like to be an organ donor?
Yes. Because I will not using them any more.

3) Does your religion effect your beliefs on how you should be treated after death?

5) Have you ever been to a funeral?

6) What was the over all mood of the funeral?
Sad, a lot of people crying. Somber and dark. It was more mourning over a death then a celebration of life.

7) How do you think the religion of the people effected the mood at the funeral?
They were trying to use the bible to make it happier.

1) What issues have you thought about involving the care of the dead? 
Not much. What did my sister say? I like how we all get together when we die but I don't like the way we celebrate it.

2) Would you rather be cremated or buried?

3) Would you like to be an organ donor

4) Does your religion effect your beliefs on how you should be treated after death?
It doesn't.

5) Have you ever been to a funeral?

6) What was the over all mood of the funeral?
Depressing but everyone was trying to be happy. I was crying.

8) How do you think the religion of the people effected the mood at the funeral?
It was very religious and kept mentioning god and how they have moved on to a better place. But it was sad that they were not there any more.


All of the kids my age have not thought about the issues with the way we go about caring for the dead that much. All in deferent levels though. One anonymous girl who was taking this course actually admitted that she knew very little about the topic. The outer girls were more uncomfortable about it. One girl said, "what did my sister say?" But they all had one thing in common they had not spent large amounts of time thinking about the topic. 

A and M are sisters who live in Florida. I can only assume that they have had similar experiences regarding family funerals and exposure to the topic of care of the dead. C is a girl who is taking normal is weird. When asked wether their religious beliefs alter the way they think about care of the dead M and A both said that it did not. C said that her religion would probably not approve of strange worshiping of the dead body.

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